E. B. Walton of Guaranty Title Company of Nashville served as the first president.    Two presidents of the association, James L. Boren, Jr. of Memphis (1966) and Charles O. Hon, III of Chattanooga (1979) went on to later serve as presidents of the American Land Title Association.  Originally, the presidency of the association rotated among the 4 major metropolitan areas of the state, with the annual meeting also held in those areas.   While the association, when formed, included only underwriters and title agents, today’s membership includes associates who are in fields related to the title industry.  At the time of the web site launch, there are 112 members of the association.

Education has always been one of the major focuses of the association, with Continuing Education and Continuing Legal Education credits available for programming at the annual convention as well as at seminars geared to staff members sponsored in four locations across the state twice a year.  Since 1993, TNLTA has partnered with the Tennessee Bar Association to present a Hot Topics in Real Estate seminar in the fall of each year.

Since 1983, the association has provided continuous monitoring of legislative action through the association’s Legislative Counsel. Written weekly reports of pending legislation along with brief summaries and analyses of the effect on our industry are invaluable, as is our ability to initiate legislation.

In recognition of their years of service to the industry and the association, honorary memberships have been bestowed on Shade Hale, Jim Wyatt, C. H. Briley, E. H. Marsh, George Houston, Myron R. Ely, Lewis F. Ellis, L. M. Nelson, Truman Wrenne, Charles Murrell, Garvin Holland, Thomas A. Griffin, J. L. Boren, Jr., Lawrence H. "Buddy" Adams and C.O. "Charlie" Hon, III.
